Scientific Direction: Dr. Ivan Varriale
Starting year: 2023
The research project on the historic garden of the Italian Embassy in Tokyo was born in the context of the long history of cooperation between Italy and Japan, strongly supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
It is conceived as a historical-archaeological research project conducted by IRIAE as part of a scientific collaboration between Italian and Japanese institutions. In this project, the historical-archaeological research activity carried out by IRIAE takes place and develops in synchrony with the virtual reconstruction activity of the now lost structures managed by the CMMKM of the Federico II University in Naples and with the historical-architectural research activities managed by the EToS (Edo-Tokyo studies) Research Centre of the Hosei University in Tokyo.
The aim of the project is to reconstruct the history of the historical residence, the transformations of its garden and the structures erected and modified over time by the different owners.
During the Edo Period (1603-1868), this site was part of the private residence of Matsudaira Oki no Kami of the Iyo Matsuyama clan. This garden is historically linked to the important and famous historical event concerning the rebellion of the 47 Ronin, ten of whom, belonging to the Akō clan, practised ritual suicide (seppuku) at this site where they were sent as prisoners.
The comparison of data from archaeological excavations and the study of sources in close connection with the virtual reconstruction activity will allow scholars access to extremely scientifically reliable data on Edo Period structures and their use, and in particular on private residences and gardens of this type, through the study of sources and comparison with archaeological data from excavations.
The final objective of the project is the dissemination of scientific contents through the opening of the historic garden to the public and the establishment of virtual visit itineraries with the use of suitable mobile devices. This visit will have the particular characteristic of alternating the route inside the current garden with a virtual route that will take visitors back to the ancient Matsudaira residence through augmented reality.
